Thursday, January 29, 2009

Over 240 Eagles This Morning

Another great day up here in Homer. Periods of clouds, blue sky, and snow made for some great shooting. The 240 eagles didn't hurt either.

Coming back up here in March! Shoot me an email if you might be interested in joining,



Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Just so ya'll don't think we've transitioned into only shooting birds and landscape. Here's a quick studio shot from a session we had just prior to our AK trip. We'll be back in the studio next week with some great local models.
People often ask me if I miss flying and the honest truth is "No." I am having an absolute blast with my family and learning to use the camera for just about any subject. Isn't digital great? We can shoot, assess, and accelerate the learning curve. Good stuff.

Now it is really time to sleep; more eagles in the morning.

From the Hotel Balcony

One more before bed.
Here's the quick pano from the balcony of our Land's End Resort room. 15 shots from a Canon 1D Mk III/Canon EF 70-200 f/4L stitched in Adobe Photoshop CS4, processed in Lightroom 2. Run on a new Windows laptop with 64-bit CS4. Total time from start to post 15 minutes. Great speed on the 64-bit version!

The pano's aspect ratio is a little higher than I prefer but I couldn't deny the view. In the full resolution version there is great detail in the mountains and you can see the floating flocks of goldeneye, bufflehead, and gulls.

AK Eagles

Heading off to sleep after Day 2 of the Homer eagles. Great day. Once again exhausted. Had the up close and personal experience today as the pictures show.

The group shot is a small jpeg from a huge stitched panorama. It contains 56 eagles.



Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Words cannot begin to describe the experience we had today. Exhausted after a great day of shooting and can barely sleep, we are so excited for tomorrow.

We'll get some more images up tomorrow.


Homer, Ak

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We're up in Homer, AK leading a photo tour and workshop. Arrived late last night but it looks like the eagle, landscape, and possible volcano photography is going to be great. We'll have some preliminary images up tonight.



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Been A Long Time

It's been a while and so much has happened. I wanted to put up a few quick shots we've taken recently.

I'm off to Vegas to speak with the Nevada Camera Club regarding HDR and Lightroom but will be back around for Arthur Morris' bird class next week.

We'll update more here soon.

