Friday, August 17, 2007

Another Great Week

Frank Lavelle just finished up "Realizing Your Photographic Vision." Everyone enjoyed a great week of shooting, editing, and "big-screen" critiques. Overall, the whole class saw tremendous progress taking the Lavelle Rule of Thirds to heart. For those unfamiliar, Frank challenged the class to capture images that devoted 1/3 to the subject, 1/3 to the photographer, and 1/3 for the viewer.

It was great to get outside and shoot. As somewhat of a difference, not a single minute was spent on Photoshop. Instead, technical knowledge (presented in a very approachable teaching style), technique, and composition were the focus.

We shot almost every subject imaginable from the local farmer's market to dramatic ocean-side cliffs to an alley decorated with hundreds of thousands of pieces of used chewing gum.

Frank will be with us again next summer and we cannot wait for his return.

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