Resting in a lovely B&B on the, at the moment, very windy and rainy coast of Wales. As some of you may know I joined Infinity Photo Tours (www.InfinityPhotoTours.com) founder Doug Walsh on a trip to Skomer Island, Wales. We are on day three of the journey and arrived on the coast late this afternoon. We will meet the boat tomorrow morning at 10 and hope to catch better weather. Forecast says it will improve but not sure exactly when. Fortunately, we have three nights and four days on the island so I'm sure it will work out.

We spent last night in Portsmouth and enjoyed some great shooting around the harbor and the naval base. The highlight was taking pictures on and around the HMS Victory. The British have completely restored the ship and she seems ready to sail at any moment. I'll post some of the shots when I return.

Once we arrive on Skomer the effort should be nonstop shooting as the days are long and the island is crammed with puffins feeding their newly hatched chicks as hundreds of thousands of other sea birds and raptors look on. I expect some good things as Doug has promised to teach me his secrets.
Hopefully, I'll be able to update when we return from the island.
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