Photography by Ralph Singer
After capture processing by Hal
Friday the 30th here in beautiful Los Osos. We are busy today prepping for the inaugural Back Bay Jazz Festival tomorrow afternoon. Victoria and I will be down there all day enjoying the music, serving wine, and taking pictures. Weather forecast is good and registrations are up so it should be a great day. We will post some pictures from the event on the blog next week.
As always there is plenty going on around here. Most of the week was dedicated to making wine. With no class in session, I've been up at Midnight Cellars blending wines for our upcoming bottling. I also spent an enjoyable evening pouring wine at the Palo Alto Art Center. A little more blending this afternoon and pouring at the Jazz Festival will round out the week.
Around the school, we've had a lot of private tutorials and have finally been able to catch up on some much-needed image processing. It's always nice to go back and revisit images that were put on the to do list.
Hope to see ya'll here soon. As always give us a call or email with questions, comments, or concerns.