Our new blog may be found at the following link.
This blog will be active for a little while longer as folks switch over.
A quick wrap up of the happenings in and around the world's finest digital photography and imaging workshop.
We'll update again with a few HDR results from this afternoon.
We also played around a little with the animation panel in Photoshop. A quick example is shown below.
Quick video tutorial on creating a popular border effect in Photoshop™.
There will be more to come.
The video above is a show from John Canfield, one of our instructors here at the Institute. He will be teaching a three day workshop in late May demonstrating how to make one.
Thanks to everyone who made the web based training a huge success over the last week. The training schedule for the next quarter will be out very soon and will include some incredible courses.
We will also be starting a weekly training hour. Thanks to some of our clients who suggested a recurring session you can tune in to every week just like your favorite TV show. The online training will be a one hour block covering any and all things photographic.
As a heads up we are hosting a huge Open House the 8th of May from 11-8. The facility will be open to the public and there should be some good fun and training. We are running free demos of Photoshop™ and Lightroom™ all day. We'll also be shooting in the studio and drawing for some fun giveaways.
If that wasn't enough from 5:30-9 on the 9th of May, we are hosting a party here at the school. More free demos, food, wine, and live music to set the atmosphere. Come on down and join us.
Below are a few images I took while the students were taking a break. All window lighting with a simple piece of black fabric hung behind. The 65mm 1-5x lens on a 1D Mark III on an Induro tripod. The 65mm can be a challenge to use to those just starting with it. Very small changes in rotation and position of the subject make very different images. I had the tulip on black tulle and I would just push the fabric a little when I wanted the focal point changed. It is like breathing with your camera was the best way to focus and create the different images.
Moose in faux/pseudo HDR
Forecast for tomorrow's shooting is wind. Unfortunately, a NW wind makes it challenging to capture the right angle since the eagles land into the wind and there aren't many good spots to shoot from the NW. We'll see how it goes.